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Found footage film where a paranormal night is investigated and documented by Carl Medland on a remote farm and country house will keep you on the edge of your seat. The couple who own the farm put ou…Read More
"The Faith Community" is a found footage film directed by Faith Johnson and written by Faith Johnson and Robert A. Trezza. The film follows a group of three students who find themselves entangled in a…Read More
A group of religious students drive into the remote wilderness to spend time with a religious sect and strengthen their bond with God. The three unsuspecting students film everything to document their…Read More
There's an old adage that nothing binds people together more than family. However, there are some families that are worth steering clear of, which brings us to the catchphrase, "Don't drink the Kool-A…Read More
"The Triangle" is a found footage horror film written and directed by David Blair, Nathaniel Peterson, Adam Pitman, Andrew Rizzo, and Adam Stilwell. The ensemble crew wears multiple hats, serving in v…Read More
“Children of Sorrow” is a found footage horror film directed by Jourdan McClure and written by Ryan Finnerty. The film follows a woman who joins a cult to secretly investigate the whereabouts of her m…Read More