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Found Footage Film Reviews

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Found Footage Film Reviews

Welcome to our found footage film reviews page. This is the best place to find comprehensive, unbiased, objective reviews of found footage horror films. We take pride in providing honest and fair reviews of all found footage movies. Learn more about how we define, critique, and rate found footage films: Browse our complete found footage horror film database here. Use our “Advanced Film Search” option here to find your top found footage films by genre, camera type, filming reason, director, budget, continent, country, and a whole lot more! Browse movie trailers for found footage films here. For more reviews check out our catalog of Found Footage Files Podcast episodes. Browse our complete found footage horror film database and use our Advanced Film Search option to find your top found footage films by genre, camera type, filming reason, director, budget, continent, country, and a whole lot more! And don’t forget to watch our library of found footage movie trailers!

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The Monster Project is a found footage film directed by Victor Mathieu and written by Corbin Billings, Shariya Lynn, and Victor Mathieu. The film follows four friends who set out to create a reality b…Read More
"Ghostwatch"  is a supernatural reality-based horror film broadcast on BBC1 on Halloween night in 1992 (25 years ago this Halloween). The film is directed by Lesley Manning and written by Stephen Volk…Read More
“The Gracefield Incident” is found footage horror film and science fiction drama that was written and directed by Mathieu Ratthe. The film follows a group of friends who embark on a weekend getaway in…Read More
"The Houses October Built" is a found footage horror movie directed by Bobby Roe and written by Bobby Roe and Zack Andrew. The film follows a group of five friends who search the country for the most …Read More
"Murder in the Heartland: The Search for Video X" is a found footage film and mockumentary directed by James D. Mortellaro and written by Steve Longmuir and James D. Mortellaro. The film is shot in th…Read More
“Alien Abduction” is a found footage film and horror movie directed by Matty Beckerman and written by Robert Lewis. The film follows the Morris family on a camping trip to Brown Mountain when they wit…Read More
"Sickhouse" is a found footage horror movie written and directed by Hannah Macpherson. The film takes the form of a series of Snapchat videos shot over a 48 hour period where a group of friends heads …Read More
“Territorial Behavior” is a found footage film written and directed by Peter Bergin. The film follows a survival specialist filming an instructional video in the Montana wilderness who encounters a my…Read More
"Inner Demons" is a found footage horror movie written by Glenn Gers and directed by Seth Grossman. The film follows the crew of an Intervention-style reality TV show shooting a story on a teenage her…Read More
Steelmanville Road is a paranormal found footage horror movie written and directed by Nigel Bach. The film is a prequel to Nigel Bach's previous film Bad Ben (2016), and takes place entirely in the sa…Read More
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