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The global popularity of found footage horror movies is largely due to the gritty realism offered by the genre. What is scarier than being lulled into believing, even if just for a second, that the fi…Read More
In the spring of 1997, several residents of Phoenix, Arizona claimed to witness mysterious lights in the sky. This phenomenon, which became known as "The Phoenix Lights," remains the most famous UFO s…Read More
There's an old adage that nothing binds people together more than family. However, there are some families that are worth steering clear of, which brings us to the catchphrase, "Don't drink the Kool-A…Read More
V/H/S Series The V/H/S series is the first found footage horror anthology and first found footage franchise based on an anthology. Each film in the series contains several found footage short films ti…Read More
“The Dark Tapes” is a found footage horror movie anthology written and directed by Michael McQuown. Using found footage as a vehicle and told through the lens of four short stories, The Dark Tapes fol…Read More
This week we are honored to have special guests EDUARDO SÁNCHEZ and OREN PELI, two creative minds that were instrumental in defining the modern found footage film phenomena. The Blair Witch Project (1…Read More