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movie trailer

Sergey must attend probation at the Izmailovo-Gamma hotel. He also recording his work on camera, and inadvertantly captures a number various different phenomenon.…Read More
Carol is a reporter who suffers a strange phenomenon that causes her to not suffer from fear of anything. She works doing stories in places where it is rumored that there is paranormal activity, with …Read More
Tom had a big crush on his friend Kendrick, but never had the guts to tell him what he really felt for fear of losing their friendship.…Read More
Iva is a girl who receives a small digital video camera for her fourteenth birthday. Delighted by her new toy, the girl immediately starts taping everything around her, recording a series of events su…Read More
For over a year, an anonymous man who refers to himself simply as Rudy S. sends video-recorded "letters" to the hostess of a yoga-instruction program at his local public-access TV station in the hope …Read More
A yoga-practicing, chai latte drinking, incense burning rich girl hires a camera crew to document her journey to enlightenment as she attempts to attain nirvana and shed her ego. She embarks on a path…Read More
After a musician commits suicide, the discovery of his dead body by his eccentric neighbors is recorded by the dead man's web cam.…Read More
Kurt, a stage actor, hires a camerawoman to film his everyday life. He hopes the videos will educate him about his problems with women and other people.…Read More
A down on his luck movie star comes back to his hometown in Maryland to shoot a reality TV show, which quickly gets interrupted by a meteor strike, causing a viral deadly outbreak that is turning peop…Read More
After 21-year-old Cheyenne moves out of her mother's house to live with her friends, their hopes of becoming independent adults are questioned when strange things begin happening in their new home. As…Read More