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Found Footage

A journalist in Barbados investigates a video that surfaced on social media claiming to show a giant, unidentified creature. Her story uncovers a multi-nation government conspiracy that will forever c…Read More
A found footage docudrama exposing the covert investigation into a seemingly unexplained underage pregnancy. Events prove an extraordinary record of surveillance, cover-up and systematic uncertainty t…Read More
Desperate to make the film that will crown him the next Tarantino, young filmmaker Kurt Michaels travels 8000 miles to the outback of Tasmania.…Read More
A group of four college friends decide to reunion in the desert of Saudi Arabia, but encounter a menacing presence in the desert that's stalking them.…Read More
An incompetent time traveler must team up with his unpredictable alternate self, to fix a paradox which is now slowly destroying the universe.…Read More