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Found footage film where amateur filmmaker Chanda Patel, survivalist Demetrius “Dem” Barrett and Nicholas “Nic” Pierce set out in the Carolina woodlands to film a survival documentary. While filming, …Read More
Found footage film where a documentary filmmaker takes his three friends out into the woods of Vermont searching for Bigfoot.…Read More
Found footage film where the inept cast and crew of a surprise hit reality-TV show travel deep into the Adirondack mountains for their second season to find proof that Bigfoot exists. Any remaining sk…Read More
Found footage film about Captain Steve, who wants to make a movie about Bigfoot. More specifically, he wants to make a movie about discovering Bigfoot. After meeting the zany hermit Willie Ray (Kevin …Read More
"Exists" is a found footage horror film directed by Eduardo Sánchez and written by Jamie Nash. The film follows a group of friends who spend a weekend in a cabin in the remote Texas woods to party and…Read More